The NeverBroken Project
The power of NeverBroken…
Welcome to the bigger picture:
Realizing a neverbroken world.
We are only broken if we believe it.
Objective: To mend, to realize a world of whole.
Wholeness = Healing
Empowerment, healing, growing, bonding, connecting, strength, kindness, helping one another, helping the world.
Principles: empowerment, strength
Our biggest teachers: animals, humility, openness, kindness
Arms, reaching out:
For doggos - Helping rescues, showcasing low cost vets, rehoming puppos
Horses - Rescue, rehabilitation, awareness, education, classes, better horsemanship, horse FIRST philosophy and approach
Animals, as a whole - so many lessons
Human - Realizing wholeness, mental wellness, strength, empowerment; leg up for broken communities, youth, people; celebrating differences
Foreign countries - health, water, issue awareness, human rights
Global/Planet - the earth can sustain with or without us. How can we help if we approach with a broken mindset? ; use the light, the goodness, to beget more.
Globesharing - networking, education, highlighting - Primary website, resource epicenter, connection portal, inspiration zone, and place to start.
The School of Infinite Gumption - Center for online learning, with eCourses, programs, and experiences.
The books of NeverBrokenYou and more forthcoming - Dispelling myths, providing tools, and empowering you to live your very best life.
The World of Gold and Starlight - Children’s books embracing differences, celebrating uniqueness, and encouraging kids to accept themselves for who they are.
The Lore of Radiance - A fictional young adult saga that traverses the realm of self-identity, hard truths, magic, love, courage, and hope.
NeverBroken Hope Ambassadors (Aurelia, DaVinchi, Winston, and Atlas) - An inspirational group of four amazing friends who bring hope, joy, and smiles with every breath.
Equine Infinity, - Information centers for all things “horse” and an exploration of their intuitive, educational, and connective nature, and how they teach us if we are willing to listen.
NeverBroken Ranch - An eventual destination of reprieve, inspiration, and recovery, in finding hope, renewal, empowerment, and strength. - Further explanations of my role in this project, as well as links to everything else.