Beautiful Animal Lessons

For many of us, animals are our purpose, our meaning, our kids, and our salvation. They are a glimmer of hope in this crazy world, and a beacon of light through the darkness. They are the epitome of kindness that we wish we could emulate, as they embody both the vitality and the innocence of our beautiful, beloved planet.

But what else can they teach us? What importance could they hold for us, in our daily lives and our understanding of the world around us, if only we would listen? Their lessons are infinite, about life and about ourselves...but only if we are receptive to these energies and teachings.

They are here to be more than just our tools and food. They are a reflection of our humanity, but also entirely unique and independent of us, and are, thus, even more deserving of our respect and care. 

In honor of them, I have compiled a list of what they impart as knowledge.

Animals teach us:

1) compassion.

They pull at our heart strings, and bring us to a point of caring and compassion that few other things in this world are able to. Their beauty, their uniqueness, and, in some cases, their similarity to us evoke compassion in the face of adversity. 

2) diversity.

The animal kingdom is dependent upon diversity and derives its richness from these differences. The fundamental lesson of the natural proclivity for and inclination toward diversity could and should be taken by its example.

3) kindness.

Even certain predatorial species in the wild demonstrate kindness toward one another, not to mention whales, primates, and horses. But what better example could there be than a dog? They even have the power to bring this characteristic out in us, both toward each other and toward the natural world itself.

4) selflessness.

Animals often sacrifice themselves for the protection of their young or go to great lengths through seemingly unbeatable odds, in order to see the survival of the next generation. Certain species even clearly demonstrate selflessness beyond the survival of young and openly give of themselves, both to each other and to us.

5) to let go.

If you have ever seen a dog doing zoomies around a dog park, there is no better visual example of energetically letting go. In the wild, dolphins play enthusiastically and even baby elephants have great fun. We could all use a little learning of this one.

6) to love greatly.

If you have ever had a pet that you have loved, this one needs no further explanation. They teach us more about love, and in a different kind of selfless, non-expectant way, than any human ever could.

7) how to listen.

To truly "get" animals, you have to be willing to listen. They provide us the impetus to slow down, step outside of ourselves, and actually try to understand beings different from us. This broadens us in ways immeasurable.

8) complexity.

Although some animals may seem simple to the onlooker, they are all complex in their own right, from their physical operation to their minds. They demonstrate the beauty of this complexity and show us that, even though we may not have it all worked out, they very well might.

9) insight.

Animals cause us to take a step back and look at ourselves in how we live life, appreciate the Earth, and live amongst those all around us, including them.

10) humility.

One lesson repeatedly learned through animal interaction is humility, from how small we actually are in the bigger picture of things, to how very powerless. But they also teach us even simpler humilities, as we pick up their poop and pay thousands of dollars for their care, a price we gladly pay to be in their presence.

11) strength.

They teach us strength; how to get through their passing, how to survive an attack. They show us their resilience in the face of eradication, and, by example, teach us how to get through even the coldest of winters.

12) co-dependency.

Animals demonstrate how to co-exist and also depend upon one another as symbiotic creatures. One specie relies upon the other for survival, as we also depend upon them.

13) synchronicity.

We all work better if we work together. Animals show us this synchronicity in how they interact with one another and their environment, and even how they often work alongside humans. Balance is key.

14) acceptance.

It is amazing how many different kinds of creatures have accepted humans into their lives. Dogs, cats, horses, but even wilder species. Of course, the scientific explanation is adaptation, something else we could all learn a bit about, particularly how to to do it kindly.

15) resilience.

Similar to strength, but more specific to getting through, animals teach us how to be resilient through all kinds of adversity.

16) happiness.

Animals teach us happiness, leading by example (your dog when you get home from work); but they also show us and evoke happiness within us, through the first swims of a baby hippo or the awkward steps of a young giraffe. They are a gift that brings the sun through their very existence.

17) connection.

Animals provide a connection to the planet and the other creatures on it. They are energy conduits, and, especially, the more aware creatures can show us the very meaning of greater connection, even within ourselves.

18) fulfillment.

Being an animal parent or doing work in an animal-related field is fulfilling beyond explanation for those who are doing it. But even for those outside of these circumstances, animals show us the merit of a job well done or the benefit in seeking where we belong, not settling for anything less than what nature has intended.

19) adventure.

Animals surely show us adventure, and also give us reason to go on adventures of our own. They cause us to step outside of ourselves and, sometimes, outside of our comfort zones, and see the world beyond.

20) appreciation.

Animals show us such appreciation when we help them. All the more reason to do it even more.

21) gratitude.

Creatures big and small are reason to be grateful. They keep the planet going, even when we cannot. They give back to us a thousand fold, through their bodies, their lessons, and their centuries-old wisdom found deep within the animal kingdom. On a simpler level, they give back to us as emotional support, beautiful listeners, and shining beacons of light that make a sometimes rough planet seem warmer and kinder. 

These are not all of the lessons imparted by animals, of course. For example, we are learning one right now; that we are not in control. But animals are humble and forgiving teachers. They give us such great reward once the lessons are learned. Thus, acknowledging their wisdom is at least a start in the right direction, of appreciating the true gifts that all animals are and how lucky we are for them to be here.

Amy Rise Infinity